Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Ahh weddings, they are a beautiful thing. Most girls dream of that wonderful day and how perfect it will be. From the flowers to the cake and to the very detail on her dress, every detail is planned out.

I have always been that girl! Every since I was little, I could picture that beautiful day. One thing I never thought of, was all the little details it takes to get to "that" day. Everything has been going well and I have thought of myself as an easy going bride to be... until today!! A little bridezilla came out of me this morning as I talked to the UPS guy that metered our invitations for the wrong amount. I'll give you a little back story before I continue.

It was a beautiful Colorado afternoon as Erin, Kirsten a.k.a. mom, and I finished addressing all 200 and something invitations. Eric took the invitations to the UPS store to see how much they would be, and they quoted us $1.00 for each invitation! Thinking they would still be the same price the, the next day we went in the store and the guy working said that they would only be 50 cents!! WOW... we thought to ourselves! That's awesome!! Thinking we were saving A LOT of money, we left 180 invitations there to be metered for 50 cents. We then went to breakfast to celebrate our big mailing and enjoyed every bite! The weekend went on with apartment shopping and spending time with family. We flew home Tuesday afternoon to fine a bundle of invitations in my mailbox saying they needed 20 more cents. With anger ragging inside of me, I called Eric and told him what happened. It was too late to call the UPS store, so I tried to get some sleep. I woke up this morning and called the UPS store right away. It was the same guy who had helped us and I told him the story of getting the invitations back.

This is what he said...
ups guy - Well, I don't know what to tell you miss, but I metered those letters myself and I metered them correctly.

me - Well, they are not metered correctly because I am holding a stack of them as we speak!

ups guy - I'm very sorry, but they should have been delivered.

me - That is another thing, I paid you 50 cents for each invitation and the metered stamp is only
for 42 cents. Why is that?! Where is the other 8 cents?!

ups guy - Yes, they are metered for 42 cents. That is what it cost to mail them.

me - No, it is more than 42 cents to mail them because they are in square envelope. Again, why were they metered for 42 cents and not 50 cents when I paid you 50 cents for each one.

ups guy - Well, we have to make money some way!!

me - If it was going to be 42 cents to mail then, I would have put a stamp on it myself and not a huge white label!!! (getting really angry at this point, but still keeping my cool)

ups guy - That is what they came to on the meter and so that is what I put on the metered stamp.

As, you can tell, I was getting nowhere with this guy. I told him at the end of our conversation, that I would take them to the post office, see what they would say and if I didn't get anywhere with them, I would be calling him back. (really angry at this point)

I hung up the phone and my mom came in to ask me what he said. I burst into tears and fell onto my bed. (lost it!)

This afternoon, I took the stack of invitations to the post office and they said they need 20 more cents. I told them that some people already received their invitation and they said they may be charge 20 cents to get it. (still really angry)

As of right now, this story is not over! I am going to have my sister Dixie call the UPS guy tomorrow and give him the "what for"!! I'll write more tomorrow... I think I need a nap now...


Tara said...

I fiynd your blog through Erin and Casey's and I feel so bad for you in this post!!! I'm frustrated for you! I hope you got it all worked out and that your plans are coming along smoothly! Congrats!