Tuesday, March 3, 2009

March update

Hey everyone!

So I wanted to just give a little update of what we are doing and how life is in Colorado.

We have been married for almost 6 months and are loving our life in Colorado! Every day is filled with work, driving back and forth from Monument to the Springs and hanging out with friends and family. Eric is still working two jobs and I am still at the credit union.

We have some exciting adventures that we are looking forward to this coming year and are expecting great things to happen. First, we are looking at the possibility of buying a house here in Colorado!!! I am so excited about this adventure, especially after listening to our neighbors fight the other night. We are not looking for anything ginormous or anything, just a nice little cute home! Second, we are excited to see what happens with Eric's job at the church later this year and praying he can go full time or close to it! (That is what he really wants to do) We are going on the winter retreat with the youth group this month and then Eric will be going on a mission trip with them this summer. Third, I am looking at a possible trip to go see me friend Melissa (who had a baby in December) at the end of May! YAY!!! Fourth... well... I'm still thinking of that one... ;)

On a side note, our niece, Mia Bella (Erin and Casey's daughter) is turning 1 tomorrow and we are going to her first birthday party on Saturday. Oh, that's another thing, I get to spend 1 day each week with Mia!! We enjoy shopping at the mall and her favorite store... TARGET!!

Well, that is pretty much our life in a nut shell! I am really going to start trying to write more on here! Stay tuned for more to come!!!